I have been saving up on the blogs. Quite frankly life has been rather hectic these last few weeks. So I took time today to download photos from my camera and made a folder just for photos to post about. So watch out, I'm going to throw them at you all in one clump. Check back often to make sure that you don't miss any! Happy reading! (Did I get enough B's in the title?)
that is called alliteration, when you have words that begin with the same sound. the "the sneaky snake slitered silently smothering the small space in seconds"
betcha loved that example didn't ya?
lol, that was alot of blogs to read! wow!
It was been a rush to catch up on everything your family has been doing. We sure love all of you.
Reading everything that you and your family is up to, makes me miss you guys all the more! I wish we were there to enjoy some of those moments (ballgames, getting wood on Kolob, etc.) with you!!
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