Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Something is Missing!

Look closely at this table... what is missing? If you were a regular guest at this table you would instantly know that it is smaller. It was almost a reverent moment for me as we removed the leaf from our large family table because without the extra two seats filled it makes it a little tricky to practice the "please pass" rule. It was like missing a few links in our assembly line. Plus the silliness that happened here, the discussions about the gospel, or world events, or what they learned at school that day. I know it seems a silly thing to cry over, but I did shed a few tears only because my family is slowly leaving and it's two less people joining in on the discussion of the day.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want it any other way. I am delighted that my two oldest have spread their wings and are having the greatest adventure. BUT... our home just isn't the same without their laughter, smiles, and fun. I miss them.

Isn't it amazing how our lifes run in cycles? I am having a bit of a challenge dealing with the new cycle, but I'll adapt and about that time it will be time for a different cycle to come around.

Cherish your little families, especially around the table!


Denise said...

Everyone is growing up and moving on. I just wish sometimes I could but the kids in a bottle and keep them this way forever.

But how fun...look at what good kids you have!

I might need to cry about your table too!

Loni said...

I promise you'll survive. Before long you'll be adding "kids" tables. Family dynamics change as they leave the nest. I find it fascinating to watch the younger ones "grow up"--just not too fast!

Kimber said...

I almost didn't recognize your dining area without the huge table!

It's our turn next to start saying good bye to our older children; I'm not quite sure how I'm going to handle it.

The Perkins said...

The table does look smaller. I guess we as daughters will never know how our moms feel about us leaving until we experience it ourselves with our kids :).